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When should I sell?
Yanmo avatar
Written by Yanmo
Updated over 2 years ago

For legal reasons, we do not give any stock recommendations or advice on when to buy or sell stocks.

Learning about and understanding the business of the company you are interested in also plays a role. You can do this by reading about the company and seeing the performance of its shares on our app and by checking online for more details about the company's performance.

On the Bamboo app homepage, you will see the stocks you have bought. You can click on the company and on the company page, you'll see a section called 'Your Ownership'. Here, you can see your returns for today as well as your total returns. On this page, you can also see the general performance of the company's shares over the last 5 years.

This can help you make an informed decision.

We have created courses to help you better understand the stock market. You can click here and here to watch them for free.

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