Everything you need to know about the Naira Savings product
What is the Naira Savings Product?
How can I set up my Naira Savings?
Why should I save on Bamboo?
Who can Save on Bamboo?
What is the minimum savings amount?
How secure is my money when I save on Bamboo?
How do I participate in the Millionnaire Challenge?
What is the Millionnaire Challenge about?
Can I break my savings before the tenor ends?
How do I break my Savings?
How does the ROI on my savings work?
Can I top-up my ongoing Savings?
How can I withdraw my savings?
Does Bamboo Charge for Savings?
Is the interest paid upfront or after the tenor?
How is interest calculated/derived from savings?
Can I have multiple savings?
Can I fund my savings account from my brokerage account?
Can I activate Autosave on my Naira Savings plan?