Once your Fixed Returns investment ends, the amount automatically goes into your Bamboo USD Wallet.
If you wish to transfer the money from your USD wallet to your NGN wallet, please click here for instructions on how to do so.
Please follow the steps below to withdraw money from your NGN wallet to your bank account:
On the Bamboo homepage, under 'Bamboo Wallets', click on the wallet you want to withdraw from.
Click 'Transfer'.
Click 'Transfer to a Naira bank account'
Type in the amount to be withdrawn and click 'Continue'.
Select the already saved account details you want the funds transferred to, and input your transaction PIN.
You can also add a new bank account number. Please note that the new bank account will require verification from our compliance team. Also, note that we do not honor third-party withdrawals.
Withdrawals below β¦1,000,000 will reflect instantly if they meet certain criteria, otherwise, they will be processed within 2-3 business days in Naira bank accounts.
For further important information about withdrawals on Bamboo, please click here.
You can read more about Bamboo Fixed Returns in this article.
*The Bamboo Fixed Returns product is only available on our Nigerian app at this time.